In the footsteps of the Snow Leopard with Organika
In the footsteps of the Snow Leopard with Organika

Sailugem National Park. A place where traditions are bound up with the laws of nature.

In 2021, Organika went on a charity expedition to one of the Snow leopard habitats, the Sailugem National Park. Specialists of the Park are successfully implementing a project on the preservation of the habitat of the Irbises in the Republic of Altai. 

During the trip, we donated high-tech trap cameras and a special off-road vehicle with a trailer to the park and financed patrol raids for the coming year.

“We created Organika as a socially responsible brand, and in terms of our philosophy, if we take something from nature (and one of our ingredients is the magical herb called Sagan Dalya – a very potent plant), we have to give something back.

We went through different options, but eventually, we remembered that this beautiful planet can boast not only natural phenomena and fabulous places but also rare animals, so we decided to dedicate the entire product line to rare and endangered animal species.

One of the projects that we have launched together with WWF is about supporting the Saylyugem National Park – home for Snow leopards. There is a fairly large number of things that the park needs. We decided to provide them with new vehicles. They have a fleet of vehicles, but unfortunately, they are far from new. And in these conditions, reliability of vehicles is of the utmost importance.

Our company’s philosophy is as follows – if we take something from nature, we must give something back. And we want this concept to develop. Yes, we are yet a fairly small company, but we are all about progressive thinking, which we would like to promote”.

Oleg Khuzin
Managing Partner of Organika

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